Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Beauty of Monogamy

I used to keep all of my yarn displayed on this white bookcase which you could see from almost everywhere in the main room of our apartment. The other day, on a whim, I packed it all up into boxes and put it away.

See, I don't "stash." I don't ever buy yarn if it's not intended for a specific project, but I do tend to buy a lot of yarn. Having all that yarn around is a physical to-do list of all the projects I haven't gotten to yet, and I was getting kind of anxious.

I moved my knitting basket to a shelf above my desk, and it has exactly two projects on which I am currently working: the Summertime Tunic and the Baby Sweater (no longer cursed).

And look! Progress!

I finished one sleeve and am nearly done with the second. I'm no longer worried about the sizing either, as a friend showed me his 19-month-old son's shirt and this is still bigger. This sweater is SO close - I just have to weave in ends, block it, and buy and sew on buttons!

I still haven't decided what to do about the sleeve situation, though I'm considering some embroidery, probably in duplicate stitch. I was thinking about an old-school collegiate-style "G" though I'm not sure how that would look. I also thought about something more esoteric, a leafless tree or a bird or deer in silhouette or similar hipster-approved design element. I will have to sketch some and see if I come up with something good.


At September 1, 2007 at 7:56 AM , Blogger Mindy said...

This looks great- i think fome embroidery would really spice it up and cover the small mistakes, but over all this looks really great! and i really like that oatmeal color for a baby sweater....


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