Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Organic Growth

I am consistently amused and amazed by the way the pattern develops on the Sun Ray Shawl.

It is such a lovely example of organic growth and natural development.

I quickly knit through two of the 6 or 7 repeats, and I was downright smug with how smoothly it was going. Of course you know where this is going with me and my hubris. In even the most elegant instances of organic growth, one cannot underestimate the role chaos plays in development. (Here chaos takes the form of whiskey).

I picked the shawl up when highly intoxicated and chatting with a friend. I purled one back row, and somehow in that, I'm left with a mess. I'm missing one stitch, somewhere, and I cannot figure out where.

See, my row counter says this:

That can't possibly be true. I must wonder: am I supposed to be on row 60 or row 58? Did I somehow drop my counter and click forward, or did I neglect to click it when I drunkenly purled that row?

I counted the chart, I tried searching the stitches on earlier rows to find an extra stitch or a neglected yarn over. It's been an unpromising search.

"Ah well," I thought, "this is why I put in life lines, and I'll only have to rip back a few rows." To be honest, I was almost looking forward to it, but...

Well shoot. Life lines don't really work if you drunkenly tug them out.

You know what happens when the going gets tough around here, right? Yep, the tough cast on a new project:

I just needed some mindless stockinette. Knitting therapy at its finest. I'm about ready to brave a careful unraveling and some more counting on the Sun Ray now. Wish me luck!


At October 30, 2007 at 1:51 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

LOL, Chaos usually take the form of gin round these parts! hopefully you can find your place so no ripping will have to occur.

The shawl looks beautiful so far!

At October 31, 2007 at 12:46 PM , Blogger Vicki said...

Thank you! I can easily see myself becoming a lace shawl addict as a consequence of this project... provided I minimize the chaos in the future.


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