Sunday, January 27, 2008

Aloha again

I am back from Hawaii, and I am thrilled to say my grandmother loves her shawl.

She kept stroking it and admiring it, saying how soft and lovely it is. I told her how I think of her every time I see that color and she said "Yes! It is so me!" It suits her wonderfully, and she kept saying she feels so elegant in it.

She wore it often while we were there, and she had it on her bed or draped over her chair when she didn't. Whenever she had it on, she told me how perfect it was, and she showed it off to family and friends. My aunt washed it once, and I was relieved to see it held up perfectly - the lace didn't even need to be reshaped.

It is incredibly gratifying to see how visibly happy someone is in a hand-knit. I'm definitely inspired to make more gifts, and I hope every recipient is as pleased as my gram.


At January 27, 2008 at 9:28 PM , Blogger Adrienne said...

Awww that is so wonderful!

At January 31, 2008 at 9:37 AM , Blogger Amanda said...

well, of course she loves it! It is a great feeling to know your hard work paid off though, isn't it?

pssst... You make my day!

At February 29, 2008 at 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless your heart! I knew you were a nice person when you spoke up against the mason dixon related harrassment, but this photo is just...bless your heart!!

I made a lace scarf for my 81 year old granmother for Christmas, but did I bother to take a homemade beautiful portrait of her wearing it, which I could keep forever? No! I'm too stupid! I MUST do this right away!

Bless your heart. And she is BEAUTIFUL!! That smile!


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