Sunday, May 25, 2008

I've got this thing for green...

I have jokingly said before that this blog could more accurately be called "Vickilicious Knits Green Socks," and umm, I'm doing little to change that fact.

These are Brigit socks (Ravelry link) by the late Gigi Silva, aka Momma Monkey. I'm going to rearrange the motifs to be centered on the foot.

Because I'm a little worn out on cabling, though, I also cast on Eleanor socks (Ravelry link), also by Gigi Silva, in Dream in Color Smooshy, Good Luck Jade.

This yarn is absolutely heavenly, and the subtle modulations in color are fantastic.

I'm knitting them toe-up, and I'm planning to make the eyelets mirror images of one another on each foot. I have a feeling these are going to become very well loved socks.

But wait! I don't just knit green socks!

Heh, I knit green tops too.


At May 25, 2008 at 7:34 PM , Blogger Cyn said...

I think you SHOULD rename your blog to "Vickilicious Knits Green Socks" and then when you knit, say, a red sweater, you can explain why it's really a green sock.

"Red is green's complementary colour so in Bizarro World this sweater is clearly green, and in fact it's not a sweater at all, but a sock for a friend who, in a tragic mix-up involving a drunk surgeon and some bubble wrap, has a giant foot where his torso should be."

Could be fun!

At May 25, 2008 at 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

all of the socks look fantastic, as expected. i looooooooooooooove dic too! i want a skien in almost every color :-P

At May 26, 2008 at 11:06 PM , Blogger Vicki said...

Hahaha, Cyn, that's awesome. I think my brain does work in such a way that really, everything could be a green sock.

Thanks Laura. I feel the same way about Dream in Color. Literally, I don't think they make a color I don't like, and it's so wonderful to use I'm sure I could happily go bankrupt over it.

At May 29, 2008 at 10:31 AM , Blogger amanda said...

Green is a great color - why mess with a good thing? :)


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