Saturday, December 6, 2008

But what about December birthdays?

I prepared a ridiculous schedule for Christmas gift-knitting (which will probably have to get pared down a little), but I forgot all about December birthdays. I imagine those who have birthdays in the weeks before or after Christmas get a little slighted, so I try really hard not to neglect Sagittarius and Capricorn friends.

It happens that one of these birthdays is tomorrow, December 7th, and I want to have a gift to give this person when I see her on the 8th. I didn't even think about it until a few days ago, so I quickly looked around my stash and found this sparkly green yarn. When I thought about the project for which I'd intended this yarn, I realized it would make a perfect gift. How serendipitous!

The gift I'm knitting should be a fast one, and I hope to post photos and a little pattern soon.