Friday, April 10, 2009

Oh hello there, I'm home.

I keep forgetting to come back over here to say hello, and I've been back from Italy over a week already!

Since I last wrote, I've finished two pairs of socks and started three more. I still have to photograph the two (yes, two) hats I finished before I left. I have other new projects to talk about too! This is to say, I've been a good knitter, but a bad blogger, and I will attempt to remedy that this weekend.

In the past 10 days, I've been to the opera twice (wheee!), I've made a major decision about my academic career, and I've gotten incredibly obsessed with the data I'm analyzing for a talk I'm giving later this month.

I've also been photographing flowers in the April sun, enjoying time relaxing with my parents and pets, and getting back into the swing of life in the good old USA.

So, I will take some photos and be back with the beginning of a parade of FOs soon!